October 13, 2020

YTHS Geppo – Guidelines

YTHS Guidelines for Submission to Geppo

Geppo submission Guidelines (members only)

YTHS members in good standing may submit haiku, votes, articles, questions, or comments by email to:

Johnnie Johnson Hafernik, Editor ythsgeppo@gmail.com

Or snail mail to:
Yuki Teikei Haiku Society
ATTN: J. J. Hafernik, Geppo Editor
PO Box 53475
San Jose, CA 95153

For Geppo submissions, please write in the subject line:
Geppo Submissions: your name

Submit your haiku single-spaced in the body of the email and record your votes horizontally. In the subject line and the email, include your name as you prefer it to appear in Geppo. Please no attachments. Please send only one email per submission period.

As a YTHS member, you may submit:
• Up to four (4) haiku appropriate to the season. They will be printed without your name and identified by a number for appreciation and study.
• One Challenge Kigo Haiku that uses the current issue’s Challenge Kigo. The poem will be printed with your name.
• Up to ten (10) votes for haiku in the current issue you especially appreciate. Each poem you choose will receive one vote; submit the number of the haiku as your vote. The poems with the highest number of votes are reprinted with the authors’ names in the next issue.
Do not vote for yourself. Do not vote more than once for any poem.
Geppo is published quarterly. Deadlines for submissions are: Jan. 15, Apr. 15, July 15, and Oct. 15.
• Note the new email address:   ythsgeppo@gmail.com